Olmec Culture Created 2012 Calendar and Concept of Zero

Mysteries Behind 2012

Recent Scientific Discoveries
Surrounding the Mystery behind:
'The Day the World Will End'

Everyone has heard of the Mayan Calendar. The Mayans lived long ago in Central America and predicted that the world would "end" on December 21, 2012, (12-21-2012). Perhaps it is really that the world will end as we know it, but not really end. It is the end of an old paradigm, a transition into a new paradigm and 2012 is only the beginning of this transition into a new frequency of being. There may or may not be the cataclysmic events that are described in the prophecies and predictions. What Scientists now know is that the Mayan Calendar is actually the Olmec Calendar. The "End of the World" or "End of the Calendar" is really just the time a new calendar begins. Click here to see where this Civilization lived.

Previous Beliefs Held about this:

Several Mayan Calendars The Mayans created several calendars, and the one that people are referring to when they say "Mayan Calendar" concerning the December 21, 2012 date is the long count calendar. This calendar looks at the long term rhythms of the universe. The Mayans see time like a river. The Mayans also see changes in time as differences of tones, frequencies or even octaves, not just a hard measurement of something that never changes. It takes a long time for the calendar to go through one cycle. The shorter of the long count cycles are approximately 5,000 years and the longest is 26,000 years which coincides with the galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years. Eastern Indian teachings refer to these cycles as "yugas" of which there are four. At this time Earth is leaving the Kali yuga, considered a dark yuga where pain, suffering, and destruction are the energies which Earth must travel through during this yuga. Yugas are like seasons, and the Kali yuga could be considered winter on an energy level. The Mayan long count calendar has 13 moons, months. It also has 360 days as opposed to the 365 days of the Gregorian calendar that we use today. It is considered more accurate than the 365 day Gregorian calendar. There was also a 584 day Venus cycle calendar that was used and maintained. Another Mayan calendar is an 819 day calendar that not much is known about because many of the records about it were destroyed. The Tzolkin calendar is a 260 day calendar with 20 specific days with specific names each month, of which there were 13 months. Tzolkin Mayan Calendar


Part of the Olmec Territory

Below, Flash File in iFrame: Olmec Calendar Symbols Converted From Modern Calendar

Different Theories Surrounding 2012 Mysteries:

Much has been written about the geophysical and cosmic shift that is taking place now as humanity heads towards December 21 2012, the time of the galactic alignment when the December solstice sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Much has also been written about the weakening of the earth's magnetic fields and the reversal of the poles. Much more has been written about the apocalyptic last days these changes might produce: deadly and dramatic changes in climate, widespread radiation-induced cancers, and deadly cosmic rays. That we are already facing the grim realities of war, genocide, depleted resources, and economic disasters points to a strong likelihood that the great shift will end up as the last days. However, writers who have looked at the prospect of the last days have chosen to see this shift as a time of great awakening. Their visions have been presented in a 2007 publication entitled The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophets and Possibilities.

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